Spring Cleaning Should Include Preventative Dental Care
As the official start of Spring is right around the corner, many of us begin to feel the pull to clean. Most of us think about Spring cleaning in relation to our house, but Spring cleaning shouldn’t just pertain to your house or job, it should also be a part of your oral health care routine. A regular preventive dental care visit typically includes a check-up that consists of x-rays and a cleaning, however, a third of Americans don’t carve out time to see the dentist annually! It’s hard to know why so many people don’t schedule their regular dentist visits, but there are lots of reasons they should. We’ve put together a list of seven reasons, some more obvious than others, for why preventive dental care matters: Reduce Plaque Dental cleanings and education about good oral care are provided to help support you in your dental health journey. Regular dentist visits, including cleanings, remove stubborn plaque from your teeth. Plaque, if allowed to build up, can lead to cavi...